The Modular Study Group
Keeping families in the field serving effectively
Growing Successful Students Since 2007
Students in the MSG program are challenged to use college level methods while completing their Middle and High School requirements.
Students work at home for three weeks a month and attend the campus one week a month. This allows families to remain together longer while providing an opportunity for the children to grow relationally and in responsibility for themselves.
A new Idea
Since the idea was discovered in 2004 the MSG has been growing. It is our goal to multiply this model of schools to serve families all across Asia.
1/4 = 1/2
Students come to the MSG location one week a month for an intense education in Math, Science and English. We like to say you get 1/2 of your education for only 1/4 of your time.
Safe And Secure
Students board with MSG-approved providers and we adhere to the highest level of child protection standards.
Multiple Schools
The MSG is in a growth phase and is open to planting a school in your area if the need exists. Currently we have six schools that are functioning.

Vientiane, Laos
Started in August 2018

Chiangmai, Thailand
Started in 2019

Hanoi, Vietnam
Started in 2020

Jakarta, Indonesia
Will you be Next?
We have one school that is no longer operating.

Kunming, China
The original program.
The first MSG school opened in August of 2007 with three students. It grew to a thriving and full program with around 40 students in 2018. The model and methods that were developed at this school are still being used in the other 6 programs.
The MSG Fee structure varies slightly depending on the location and your choices when you enroll. All prices are in USD as of December 2023
Enrollment Fee
Enrollment FeeTuition
Three classes, books, and lunch.Boarding
9 weeks a year in a dorm.Global Leader 15 Years In a Row
We are the only program of its kind in the world. A hybridization of Traditional, Home, and Online schooling allowing students maximum growth while maintaining family priorities.
The Right Choice
Is the MSG the right fit for your family? Please contact us today to find out more.
“I would not trade my experience at the MSG for anything else. It prepared me well for the College experience and life on my own”
“My transition back to my passport country was very simple after attending the MSG for 4 years.”